Well it is finally over and it was pretty good! The New Year is come and that means the days are winding down! i was thinking about my goal to read all the standard works by the time i come home and that means a lot of dedication but i have made a chart that tells me how much to read each day and it is accomplishable. I just hope that i will be able to make it!
Other than that we had a good week but it was also a little rough because of how hard it is to hang up a skype call. i could have just talked for like 5 hours but we know that isnt the best! its true what they say about how a call home doesnt only last for the call itself it last for hours after as well!
We didnt have much that stood out this week. we have recommitted ourselves though to work twice as hard to see the success that the area really needs. I know this area has so much potential but its just working hard enough to deserve the Lords blessing and so he will lead us to those that are prepared. Elder Barlow also had a stomache virus that kept him in bed for a day, but he is better now and we hope that we can stay healthy to finish off the transfer strong!
So i was reading the other day, when i was thinking about my desires and mission, in Alma 31 and i had a spiritual moment when i realized i was guided to that chapter. It is talking about Alma's Prayer for the Zoramites and how he had such rightoues desires to see them recieve the gospel and also the success of his brethren. i thought to myself is that how i am and how can i become like that. I have had some great pondering moments lately and i love them. i learn so much from the scriptures and i hope that you are all reading them and taking the time to ponder about them! I am sending a letter home that i hope you accept the challenge i gave to you and keep it.
I hope that next week will be more eventful so i have something to talk about. Have a great week and please be safe on the roads and anywhere! I would love to hear back from you all and letters will be nice i will write to anyone who writes me, but they are much apprieciated and wanted. I love you so much!
Elder Nathanial Woodruff