Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Message: August 10, 2015 LAST TRANSFER!

 Well this week I am happy, Nervous, and also sad all at once. I found out this week that I will be getting a new companion for my last transfer which is really nice. But i found out that my new companion will be a trainie so coming right from the MTC which makes me nervous. It will keep me on my game though because i dont want to ruin his mission right before i come home off of mine. That is the scary part about it. I am excited though to see how things work out and it will be a great last transfer. 

The thing that makes me sad to say is that in the last week we have had 3 people die in Belle Dam which is the street that we live in. This brings the count to 5 people that have died since i have been living there. The thing about it is i have talked to the 3 people personally and two of them have family that are members of the church. The first one is our neighbor across the street. She was an older woman who had high sugar and she passed away. The next two came on saturday and sunday. Saturday morning we had a scary thing happen at the front of the dam (we live at the back) but a wooden house caught fire and within five minutes the whole house was on fire. There was a lady who was 90 that was trapped inside and was killed. The thing with the fire is it also blew up 2 vehicles that were near by causing the flames to catch the business next door on fire and that building was also gone in minutes. The owner of the business lost what is estimated 18 million Guyana dollars Apx. 900,000 Us dollars. They put the flames out just before they reached a gas tank that is like what the farmers at home use on there farms. That would have been even worse. And the last came yesterday with the Beharry's uncle who died yesterday afternoon. They say that he had been sick before and that he drank to much Rum in his life that it hardened his liver and insides and he passed away because of that. I dont know how to feel because we had talked to him last week and he said he really wanted to change his life and start coming to church!

 I am so grateful that i know about the Plan of Salvation and how it works. I just wish that we could get through to more people to teach them about it. It would make the pain of death melt away through the feeling of peace we get from the great plan. I know it is true and that families can be and see each other again! Its just heartbreaking to me to know that not everyone knows or even believe that. 

I have finally reached the last 6 weeks and it is all down hill. I hope to hear from you and if not i will see you soon ha. I love you have a great week!


Elder Woodruff!

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