Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Message: January 13, 2014

So this week has been good! it started out with FHE with bernadette thomas and her family and we had such a great time and i think it really helped her grow she is progressing so much and has a baptism for the 8th of feb. we are really hapy\py for her because she tells us that we are her special blessing and the way we found her is truly a miracle of itself! i am so excited!!!then we even taught her by the georges and that was such a great lesson they have been such good fellowshippers to her and she loves them!!! so i guess the rest of the week was hard but it wasnt bad!!! everything was falling through and we had a really poor time getting lessons but it probably didnt help that we had to stay home a day because of Elder Telga having strep throat!! that was horrible! none of us inthe apartment really feel the best but we are surviving and will live for sure! and i know that the blessings of this work come after the hard trials that are placed before us! i saw that sunday when we had 5 invest. come to sacrament and 2 more came after to the other meetings and out of the 7 there 4 have baptisms coming in the next 4 weeks crazy huh!! we have enst this weeek the 18th and then the 25th is beartina an 9 year old girl! and then the 1st is steing he is awesome we will  get him on a mission soon!!! and then the 8th is bernadette!! i sure hope that we can help them make this step and i know that the will be greatly accepted and loved in the branch!!! miracle really are happening in our area and i am so happy for that!! but i do have sad news today! Sister Hanley the 90 year old member and the lady that i called my 3rd grandma or grandma away from home. passed away this morning after her health had been declining for a month or so now! i know that the plan of salvation is there though and i know that she is in a better place and is happily reunited with her grandson who was shot and killed 2 months ago! i know that i will see her again someday and that she will accept us so willingly like she did here on earth!!  i love her! and yes its sad but she is happy! sorry to have such a sad story but i had to share it! she has been taking care of me so i know that God will take care of her!! so i hope that you have a great week and letters are being sent today because last week no mail was being sent to the usa so a lot is coming today!! i love you so much and cant wait to hear from you!! l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!l LOVE YOU!!!
love your elder
Elder Woodruff!!
ps new favorite hymn 266 i love you so much!!

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