Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Monday Message: November 3, 2014

So this week has been full of plenty ups and downs! Elder Mitchell and I were sick at the start of the week, and also the end! but we still forced through it and went to work. Guyana is great and i love it but it sure likes to make you feel bad throughout the days! i feel like it is really trying to get at me but i wont allow that to stop me! We have been really focusing on our Investigators who we feel are the Elect this week and many of them are on their way to baptism. and they have accepted dates! i am so excited to see them continue to grow. We even have an investigator who is from Nigeria and he is so ready for the Gospel the only part that is hard for him is when we talk about the priesthood being lost for the apostacy and he said that if he can just understand that it was really lost he will know everything else is true! I know that that will only come when he knows the Book of Mormon is true and so we actually found a Book of Mormon that is in his native language IGBO and it is coming for him. i cant wait to give it to him and see the converting power of the Best book ever!
So also today i have had a spiritual witness about the lord having a hand in all things! We were traveling to Georgetown for a Zone activity. We were almost out of gas and looking for a place to fuel up, but none of the gas stations had the gas yet for the day. We had pulled over for a split second to ask a guy about it and he just waved us on. We hadnt stopped for more than 10 seconds before we left. Then just a few miles down the road we were coming up to a turn and an on coming car was coming at us in our lane around the turn but instead of making the turn it kept going and crashed into a light pull about 20 yards in front of us and came to a stop side by side with us! by that time we had pulled over to the other side and stopped to see what just happened. I honestly feel like if we hadnt stopped to ask that man something the car would have hit us right at the turn. I feel the Lords hand so much in the work but never that much in protecting me. but now with this experience and the experience of falling of the balcony. I know that he is protecting his servants. I am so gratefull for the Holy Ghost and also the Lords Hand in all things.
So that was basically the week all wrapped up in one day! the area is good and growing from the little drop off that we had. I hope to see it come back to what it was with some more added! It will be great we will just see what this transfer and next transfer have in store! i love you so much! have a great week and be safe. Drive safe and dont text and drive and always wear a seat belt i believe that is what saved the two people today! Especially this holiday season. i want to see you when i get home! I love you!!
Elder Nathanial Woodruff!

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